
Showing posts from November, 2019

Dallas and Beyond...

Wow! Dallas! Fourth showing of Jay and Silent Bob Reboot was amazingly special! Was lucky enough to go with my good friend Nate who set up a place to stay with his friends and now mine Hope and Eric.  Such amazing hosts that stayed up all night to be able to drop us at the airport!  Went above, beyond and completely out of their way to make sure we got some great footage and had an extra special time.  Can't thank them enough for their kindness. Eric, Hope, myself and Nate in front of the Texas Theatre in Dallas. The venue was the smallest I have been to yet! 450 people! Inside the Texas Theatre Texas Theatre Exterior The showing was incredibly intimate and met so many people that I had either worked with on set or interacted with purely on social media platforms. We arrived very late the night before the show so Hope and Eric took us to a wonderful brunch at Henry's Majestic restaurant.  I had a delicious hash and a "make your own Mimosa&