Why Would Someone Want to See a Movie 22 Times in the Theater?

This is a great question to which I have an answer specific to myself only.  Why would I want to see a movie 22 times in the theater? Or, more specifically why would I want to see Jay & Silent Bob Reboot in the theater 22 times?

Let me start with Thor: Ragnarok.

I saw that film more than 20 times in a cinema until the day it left.  I saw it in several cities and any chance I could get I would.  Not because of any other reason than I see lots of movies more than once and the ones that move me most I don't want to miss anything.  Love seeing every shot, hearing every word and even the Easter Eggs.

I have a bad habit of nodding off here and there even in the most amazing of films.  Slept through all the action in Armageddon and just got to see Ben and Liv make love to her father singing over it.  (shiver) Apparently I could miss a thing!

Also, when seeing something on opening night or at a premiere it is the crowd.  My hearing isn't the best to begin with and sometimes some films like Endgame the audience cheers at EVERYTHING and a second viewing is necessary.  This isn't, of course, true for every film but, some franchises are very audience interactive lately.

Also, my memory is shit. If I love the dialogue it will be seen multiple times so remembering the lines is easy for a time.  Even after 20 times in the theater and over 100 more on streaming I still forget some of the dialogue that I love. Before Ragnarok the last 3 movies I saw more than 10 times in the theater were Chasing Amy, That Thing You Do and Scream.  Deadpool 2 was seen 7 times as well as Homecoming.  I used to watch Star Wars Episode IV to fall to sleep for years and years with a VCR. It wasn't until DVD that I switched it up with a 5 disc changer I could alternate between 5 different titles.

I mean whoa 5 movies!

The point is my tolerance to multiple viewings is pretty high at this point.

So how do I know Reboot will be worth the 22 viewings? Because I have a big problem not seeing him in Hollywood at the Scum and Villainy Cantina for Fatman Beyond. More than that it is a Kevin Smith film and the way he loves his films how can I not?

Plus I got to take part in the film along with some of my most amazing friends.  I'm actually more excited to see them than myself.  When a new clip of the movie surfaces and they are in it my heart actually beats a little faster and a smile just appears on my face.

Even though I was beat from being in an ice-cold theater and not really able to move with my knees, and I was in tears because of being tired towards the end I loved every minute of it.

I Saw Kevin every day of shooting and was honored to just be there. Getting to see him work was inspiring! But, wow, being an extra is the kind of laborious work that isn't something that a person with my body is cut out for on any regular basis.  I appreciated extras a lot more after that!

So yeah, I think multiple viewings with the chance to meet up with old and new friends is going to be another adventure of a lifetime.

Worth the wait!

A picture of part of one of my costumes for the Jay & Silent Bob Reboot


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