
About Me

I wake up every morning a little sad that I didn't die in my sleep.  I'm not suicidal. I'm depressed as much as anyone I suppose.  Something has always been a little off with me.  Always.  It doesn't mean I can't find happiness or love.  Those moments are forever treasured.  I love my husband.  I love my children more than anything and who are the reason I put on a fake smile and suffer through the pain of living.  (This post will come back around to why Kevin Smith is such a huge part of me being alive, promise.) The reason I know that something has always been wrong with me is because I was told so.  My mother used to take me to the doctor ever since being born.  I was born with jaundice and was severely anemia that required a few transfusions in my life. Also there is or was an iron shot that was probably worse than any other ever.  Had to be injected and massaged in many different spots. Was constantly reminded how I cried for two years straight and she thou

Life Happens Or Crack Does...

My plans were big. Much bigger and always are at the get go.  As of today I've seen the Reboot Roadshow in 10 cities and 15 times.  Going good, a bit cold but good.  Then the illnesses struck.  Days in bed with my own ailments then my youngest got the flu right before the Christmas Holiday. Yes, I wanted to be so much further by now.  Control is some sort of illusion.  Sometimes we have it sometimes we don't.  All we can do is roll with that rock all the way down the hill.  All cities have been amazing!  I'm pushing through even though in the winter my heater is on high until it hits 70 outside.  It is what it is though.  Getting great interviews and doing my own thing in the places I've visited. I had so much extra time in Philly I followed Korey, a crack cocaine addict around for a few hours to get an unbiased view.  There were 2 shows in Philly of which I only attended one because it just didn't work out.  It was an awesome show!  Great questions!  It alway

Dallas and Beyond...

Wow! Dallas! Fourth showing of Jay and Silent Bob Reboot was amazingly special! Was lucky enough to go with my good friend Nate who set up a place to stay with his friends and now mine Hope and Eric.  Such amazing hosts that stayed up all night to be able to drop us at the airport!  Went above, beyond and completely out of their way to make sure we got some great footage and had an extra special time.  Can't thank them enough for their kindness. Eric, Hope, myself and Nate in front of the Texas Theatre in Dallas. The venue was the smallest I have been to yet! 450 people! Inside the Texas Theatre Texas Theatre Exterior The showing was incredibly intimate and met so many people that I had either worked with on set or interacted with purely on social media platforms. We arrived very late the night before the show so Hope and Eric took us to a wonderful brunch at Henry's Majestic restaurant.  I had a delicious hash and a "make your own Mimosa&

Met You In St. Louis, Next Stop Dallas! aka Ode to Laura

10/31/2019 Life is just a mood ring you're not allowed to see-TMBG Hi everyone! So, St. Louis was an  AMAZING 2nd stop on the Jay & Silent Bob Reboot Roadshow tour!  Kevin, Jay, Josh and Liv along with all the local event staff were stellar!  Kev even said he enjoyed the reactions from St. Louis at The Pageant Theater audience best of all so far.  He's done and will continue to do shows that I can not attend so maybe that has changed.  As last I knew it was St. Louis that brought the house down with laughter and tears! My heart is so filled with love that it is coming out of my eyes.  My seat mate was bawling too so it all worked out. Many things were learned on the St. Louis trip.  Most of all I have made friends that seem to genuinely like me and that is a feeling that I had given up on almost all the way.  Yes, I have friends. Not many but, they are spread out all over the country and even Europe too. In my home town of Olympia, WA I was not liked by more th

(Small story of my life) The Mental Toll, Next Stop St. Louis!!

Asbury Park. Wow! Couldn't help but cry at the kindness surrounding the first stop on the Reboot Roadshow tour. This was an experience that will never be forgotten.  Even though I knew many people personally it was a logistical puzzle to try and figure out how to get clips of everyone.  My wonderful friend Chris was with me on this trip but, got separated when it was time to enter the venue and didn't reconnect until right before the show.  Also, had another friend almost get locked out of the show because the bar code on the ticket transfer didn't come up with the correct info.  After that was worked out it was a matter of talking to the correct person for access. Kevin introducing the opening Reboot Roadshow! Cat, Dave, Jennifer and Myself Afterwards Once everyone got back together after the show my anxiety settled down a bit.  Asking strangers to be recorded is scary and when my friends aren't by my side it gets even scarier.  Being a woman on her own

The Beginning of an Adventure First Stop New Jersey

Where to begin?  There is so much to write and so little time so this may be all over the place.  Apologies in advance! So much has happened since my last post which is why there has been so much time in between.  First, Married With TV the podcast I do with Shanon, my husband, went to the Kevin Smith/Jason Mewes handprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese theater to witness history happen. The ceremony was beautiful and moving.  They saved a spot next to Stan Lee just for them since the Stan Lee ceremony before his passing.  Kevin told a beautiful story about how 40 years ago his whole family went to Hollywood and how cool it was to stand where R2D2 and C3PO had their prints in front of the theater.  Both Kevin and Jason were moved and it really showed on Kevin's face. His emotions made me cry.  Happily of course.  Did not plan on crying but, Kevin is one of the best storytellers in today's world.  Even after hearing the same story in many different venues he makes it feel l

Why Would Someone Want to See a Movie 22 Times in the Theater?

This is a great question to which I have an answer specific to myself only.  Why would I want to see a movie 22 times in the theater? Or, more specifically why would I  want to see Jay & Silent Bob Reboot in the theater 22 times? Let me start with Thor: Ragnarok . I saw that film more than 20 times in a cinema until the day it left.  I saw it in several cities and any chance I could get I would.  Not because of any other reason than I see lots of movies more than once and the ones that move me most I don't want to miss anything.  Love seeing every shot, hearing every word and even the Easter Eggs. I have a bad habit of nodding off here and there even in the most amazing of films.  Slept through all the action in Armageddon and just got to see Ben and Liv make love to her father singing over it.  (shiver)  Apparently I could  miss a thing! Also, when seeing something on opening night or at a premiere it is the crowd.  My hearing isn't the best to begin with and some